This Series has explored the common CIL risks for self-builders and the proposed amendments that should help to protect future self-builders from themselves. These changes are summarised in Part 3 of this series.
Whilst the changes have addressed most of the potential future pitfalls with the self build exemption, they do not address or undo any previous injustice that has resulted in many self-builders incurring unexpected CIL in the tens of thousands.

We do not accept the Government’s explanation that retrospective amendments to the Planning Act 2008 are not possible, we will continue to lobby for retrospective amendments to rectify the unfairness that has experienced by so many self-builders to date, as well as further amendments to:
- introduce an appeals process against the refusal of SBE application and other reliefs;
- the wording in regulation 54(C)(3) and/or the Self Build Part 2 Form (form 7) to make clear that the information or evidence that is to be submitted to verify the use of the home by the self builder is not limited to the three things listed on the form. Other types of evidence could satisfy the requirement and the requirement to ‘include the particulars specified or referred to in the form’ does not provide the Collecting Authority with a discretion to accept evidence beyond the three things listed on the form[1].
Watch this [blog]space.
[1] We are aware of a situation where a home was purpose built for a disabled child and due to the build being funded by the child’s trustees it was not possible for one of three supporting documents required under the Self Build Part 2 Form (form 7) to be supplied and this resulted in the SBE being withdrawn