Developer contributions – which way next?

We look at the government’s CIL review, and put forward alternative ideas for fixing a broken system.

The Housing White Paper promises a new approach to developer contributions, to be announced in the Autumn Budget. But the government’s parallel review of the community infrastructure levy (CIL), published in February 2017, is illustrative of a confused regime. The future for developer contributions deserves a clearer path, so planning can focus on place-making, not value capture.

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This article was first published in Estates Gazette (February 2017) and is also available at

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Roy Pinnock

About Roy Pinnock

Roy is a partner in the Planning and Public Law team, bringing his experience of working on regeneration projects within local government and as a consultant to his legal practice.

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Stephen Ashworth

About Stephen Ashworth

Stephen advises in the field of planning, public and regulatory law. His practice concentrates on regeneration, residential, urban extensions/ garden villages and settlements, and infrastructure projects working for both the private and public sectors.

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