Brexit, political uncertainty and the growth of online shopping have contributed to uncertainty and change in Britain’s real estate market. On one hand, demand for warehousing and distribution is vastly outstripping supply, whilst retail spaces face the challenges of declining consumer spending and getting enough footfall. This uncertainty has meant that real estate investors have concentrated on maximising the value of the spaces or assets that they currently hold.
Abbey Wiggett from Dentons Real Estate teams talks through the creative opportunities for thinking outside the box, such as creating multiple uses out of space or selling the airspace or sub-soil space of existing buildings. Abbey is joined by Jamie McKie from Dentons Planning and Public Law Team, who discusses how these new developments can often be difficult to navigate through the planning process.

Brought to you by Dentons and Citiesmode it draws on the knowledge of a core panel of experts from across the sector, supplemented with special guests hand picked for their particular expertise. From Greenbelt to Brownfield, national planning policy to local plan-making and everything in between, Dentons Planning TV provides a unique insight into the thoughts of those involved at the sharp end.